“Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery

Painting: Several Circles (1926) -- Wassily Kandinsky (Russian, 1866 - 1944)
The “New Moon”. This astronomical event takes place when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are aligned, the Moon being placed between the other two. The Moon is then invisible, it turns pitch black. It’s a time of stillness, of reflection. It allows us to sow new seeds for the future. The next New Moon will take place tonight at 7:33 PM CET and its energy will last as always around 2,5 days. So you have plenty of time to set your intentions until more or less Wednesday. But don’t think that nothing will work if you set your intentions later! It’s just that the timing is better and the effect is greater while the energy of the New Moon is activated, that’s all! Working in synchronicity with the cosmos is always more powerful.
Be aware that the following interpretation considers the general energies at play on Earth during the New Moon. Its effects vary radically from one individual to the other depending on the natal chart.
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This is the first New Moon of the year, taking place in the Cardinal, Yin and Earth sign of Capricorn. What a wonderful way to sow your first seeds, in a soil that seems immaculate, full of possibilities. The New Moons in Capricorn are a great kickstarter to implement very efficient and deep rooted changes in your life: the element Earth makes things real, the Yin energy gives you the ability to reflect and mature your ideas, while the Cardinal modality helps you set things into motion.
As I said many times, I think that it’s always good to dream big and envision the best life possible for ourselves. We should not shy away at the sight of the obstacles that might stand in the way. However, once your goals are set, I would recommend breaking the process down into as many steps as you can. In this way, everytime you manage to fulfill one required task, as small as it might be, your brain, your mind, your ego, will register it as a success. Each little step will feel like a victory, showing you that, slowly but surely, you get closer to the goal you want to achieve. This is pure Capricorn energy, slow, steady, you climb the mountain, every step counts until you reach the peak.
This New Moon is quite interesting as the Sun and the Moon are in a Trine with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, the later squaring Saturn in Aquarius. A strong wind of radical change, of deep reform, breakdown of traditions is blowing on the seeds you have to sowe. Mercury just entered Aquarius, fueling our minds with innovative and groundbreaking ideas for the future, helping us envision a new model for ourselves, but also the society at large. The Aquarian and Uranian energies are strong at the moment, inviting us to break the rules, revolutionize, challenge authority and defy our old social systems that no longer work.
With Jupiter in Pisces, we entered a spiritual and interconnected space where we realize that our actions impact the world globally. We are pushed to consider others in our plans, to be more compassionate and united. The best version of ourselves that we’re trying to build at the moment is inextricably linked to the group and a common future. We need to consider the
This New Moon also has a high healing potential, as it squares Chiron (the wounded healer, the wound of our soul) in Aries. The new roadmap that we’re currently drawing can really help us let go of old habits and patterns that deeply and constantly make us suffer, hindering our growth and blossoming. In Aries, it invites us to take the lead and be courageous enough to face our shadow, to break the chains that we’ve been dragging around for too long.
With Venus retrograde, we are rediscovering what we love and value, what we want to share and exchange. We are invited to review what we consider as good for us or not in our relationships. In retrograde, we process past interactions, relationships and exchanges of value in order to eliminate what harms us. What can’t we tolerate anymore? Are we able to be honest and recognize, in our surroundings, what’s vampirizing our energy rather than nourishing us?
So take the chance to use this beautiful blend of energies to begin the year with poise. Create an amazing vision board for yourself, for the year(s) ahead, make it as detailed as possible in order to have a clear view on your progress over time. And then… Capricorn style: start climbing, with the eyes set on the prize.
With love!
Gamla Healing is a beautiful blend of modalities (astrology, breathwork, reiki, ceremonial cacao, tarot, Thai massage, meditation), a holistic approach that takes all levels of your being into consideration.
Your body, your emotions, your energy, your mind, your soul – every aspect of yourself is precious.
The purpose is to guide you and support you during your transformation, empowering you and making you responsible for your own healing.
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