“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” ― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Illustration: Puck ― Richard Dadd ( Painted around 1841 after a Midsummer Night’s Dream)
The next Full Moon is taking place on December 19th at 5:35 AM CET, in the most optimistic, hopeful and joyful sign of the Zodiac, at 27° of Gemini. We will wake up on Sunday morning right in the middle of a dense mix of energies… Full Moon in Gemini, Venus stationing retrograde in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, Chiron stationing direct in Aries… A lot is going on in the sky. But at the same time, a deep feeling of trust and hope might float in the air. We will probably hear the message “Please go back to your seat and fasten your belt, we’re about to go through a zone of high turbulence” but we won’t necessarily panic. We will somehow stay calm, focusing on what will happen next, after our landing.
I hear you screaming “but when are we gonna f***ing land, we’ve been in turbulence for ages”. Yeah, I know and it’s far from being over. Actually, my opinion and feeling is that what we’ve been through those last 2 years was just a little warm up and the issues that we are facing are little tapas served before a big paella. Our bodies, our minds, our world are being prepared, changes are on the move. The field is being plowed to welcome new seeds. And we are the new seeds. Each of us.
A Full Moon is a moment of manifestation. The intentions we set at the New Moon in Sagittarius are now giving their fruits. We see the results of our intentions, they are here, in the full light, and we might understand just now what this moon cycle is actually all about.
This Full Moon is the last of the year, and it closes the entire 18-month cycle of the Moon’s Nodes transiting the axis Gemini-Sagittarius. It allows us to look back and to notice all the changes that came into our lives especially in terms of life understanding, philosophy, systems of belief and faith. We all certainly learned a lot (Gemini & Sagittarius are basically the fountains of knowledge of the Zodiac) and we were shown that life is totally subjective. We hopefully understood that we all live in different realities, and that we all have different purposes and needs. The patriarchal and oppressive system in which we evolved those last thousands of years is obsolete. We can’t accept anymore to live in a common manufactured reality that erases all personal and individual realities (that really sounds like 1984…).
The first challenge that has been given to us is to become aware of our own reality and to recognize that we all live in a different bubble.. That was the entire point of this Gemini-Sagittarius axis, releasing old outdated beliefs through the South Node in Sagittarius and creating new ones by opening ourselves to the infinite variety of lifestyles, ideas and opinions that actually exist through the North Node in Gemini. Working on that, we were at best able to transform ourselves and realign our set of values and our realities with our soul purpose while acknowledging others’ reality.
If we successfully went through this 18-month transformation, we were able to detach ourselves at least partially from old limiting belief systems. We should now be able to define, even in a blurry and approximated way, a new reality and a possible bright future for ourselves. And this is exactly what should give us hope right now. The Sun is in Sagittarius and gives us this feeling that our true future, our true life lies ahead of us. Mars will soon enter Sagittarius too, turning up and fueling this energy even more. Yes, it may be paved with obstacles, but at least we know that we’re closer to our real self, and that even if this road is dangerous and challenging, this is ours. Not the one that our families or the society forced on us. That’s why we’ll be able to fight for it.
On this dangerous road, we need to be surrounded by carefully chosen allies. Anyone or anything that appears to be in a reality too far from ours or if they didn’t evolve as much as we did, won’t be able to support us and will even hinder us, trying to pull us back into our old habits and patterns. We need to be able to recognize them, acknowledge their own purpose and see if a potential collaboration and mutual enrichment is still possible. But if their effect is toxic and doesn’t serve us anymore, we will have to be true to ourselves and let them go.
This filtering will be supported (big time!) by the current Venus retrograde that will cast some light on what our needs actually are. In terms of relationships, money and all types of needs. For more details please have a look at my last post, fully dedicated to this Venus retrograde.
Chiron is also stationing direct in Aries, bringing healing if we manage to stand up for ourselves, if we have the courage to fight for our independence and our freedom. But careful with the inflation of the ego. We should remain humble and compassionate, always acting from the heart. Remember that we have to shine our brightest light for the benefit of all.
With Venus starting its retrograde on Pluto, the conversations and exchanges that might take place will certainly be intense. This is the holiday season, many are going back to their family, back to the roots, where it generally hurts. Beware of old stories, lies and secrets that might come up. They will need to be processed in a way or another and will serve your own process of filtering: what’s good or not for me, what should I take with me, what should I leave on the side of the road?
Use this Full Moon of Gemini to have an amazing retrospective on this year and the last 18-month. Make an inventory of all the changes you implemented, all the things that you’ve learned, and then ask yourself what you still need to let go to continue your ascension.
This Full Moon goes far beyond a classical “Full Moon in Gemini”, but the topic of communication at large is still well activated and invites us to have a look at the way we express ourselves and how we interact with others, be it talking, writing, listening, painting… A good “symbolical tongue scraping” would be beneficial for all of us, always looking forward to the healthiest means of expression, choosing our words wisely, with care, without trying to hurt others, speaking only when we’re sure that it serves a purpose, and above all, increasing our ability to truly listen.
I would say that nowadays, our listening needs more improvements than our talking. It’s hard for us to control our speech and we can easily let words escape, dropping bombs here and there without caring about the consequences. But it’s even harder to listen, to pay attention to each word of the person we’re speaking with. Most of the time, we believe that we’re listening, but we’re only preparing in our head what we’re going to answer, only thinking about giving our precious personal opinion on the matter.
So take the chance to clean up your communication skills! Let go of lies, of secrets, of hurtful words, make your ego sit next to you when someone talks to you, polish your words and select them as you would select jewels. Let’s invite compassion and empathy in each word, in each thought.
My Gemini logorrhoea ends here.
With love!
Gamla Healing is a beautiful blend of modalities (astrology, breathwork, reiki, ceremonial cacao, tarot, Thai massage, meditation), a holistic approach that takes all levels of your being into consideration.
Your body, your emotions, your energy, your mind, your soul – every aspect of yourself is precious.
The purpose is to guide you and support you during your transformation, empowering you and making you responsible for your own healing.